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The principle of locality

December 19, 2023

The biggest surprise I ever had in computer science was in the shape of how the memory system in a modern computer works. Or rather, how the way I imagined it works for over 10 years is very much not how it works.

It is obvious now that I know it, but it's funny how your brain will fill in the gaps in your knoweldge with what -feels- obvious at a given time. Today I'll visit the basics of locality, and how Random Access Memory is not all that Random in the real world.



In the introductory classes of computer science theory, a pyramid representing the "computer memory hierarchy" is one of the first things to be burned into our minds.


I am not a fan of the measurements in cycles, since of course there's a lot of processor types and they all do things a bit different. But it seems like a sufficiently accurate assumption to make that, as you move down the pyramid, you'll see latency increases of around an order of magnitude.

To revisit the top 3, marked as primary storage.

From the programmers standpoint, you only ever interact with memory. Registers are used by the CPU to store interim data of whatever operation is executing, and cache is managed entirely by the chip (more on this later).

The cost of Random Access

It seems intuitive from the name to assume that randomly accessing data in random access memory shouldn't have any penalties. And if all there were to the story was accessing memory, you'd be right, but when you consider cache it suddenly isn't that simple anymore.

Memory Wall

In many applications, the limitation is found in the memory system, not in the processor. The two main parameters are latency and, to a lesser extent, bandwidth.

Example scenario

Solving problems is what drives us into computer science. So I find the best way to bring this across is by proposing a problem.

We'll be delving into matrix multiplication, because it's a relatively simple procedure which is also very common in high performance compute enviroments.


Let's assume a processor capable of executing one instruction per nanosecond. This system's memory has an access latency of 100 nanoseconds.

Such a system would have a peak theoretical performance of 1000 MFlops (1 second = nanoseconds = floating point operations in a second)


Suppose we wish to multiply two matrixes, A and B, each of size N * N (where N is any positive integer).

We will need N^3 addition and multiplication operations, or N^3 nanoseconds worth of compute time. For each operation however, we'll need 200 nanoseconds to fetch both operands, and 100 nanoseconds to store the result.

With N=32, we find that:

In total, it'll take 6,721,536 nanoseconds to resolve 2^16 operations.

Our theoretical performance of 1 GFlop has plumetted to 9,75 MFlops.


As you may have guessed, we want to reduce the time it takes to fetch and write from memory. This is where CPU cache saves the day.

Cache hitrate is important as it directly affects system latency.

Let's add a 32kb cache to our initial proposed hardware. It has an access time of 4ns. Now let's revisit the problem.

And consider that our 32x32 matrixes will fit in the cache.

In total, it'll take 626,688 nanoseconds to resolve.

Our previous theoretical performance of 9,75 MFlops has increased to 104,6 MFlops.

This improvement is based on the assumption that there'll be a repetition of references to certain data in a short time window.

This is what we call Temporal Locality. Moving on...

Bandwidth joins the server

Bandwidth is the speed wherein data can be transferred from memory to CPU. A common technique to improve it is to increase the blocksize of data transfered per clock cycle.

Continuing with our theoretical hardware, let's now say the blocksize is 4 times that of an element of the matrix.

We'll now do the same operation on this machine.

In total, it'll take 402,432ns to resolve.

Our previous theoretical performance of 104,6 MFlops has increased to 162,8 MFlops.

This improvement is based on the succesive instructions using data located in consecutive memory spaces.

This is what we call Spatial Locality. Moving on...

Linear access joins the server

As a callback to the start of the post, randomly accessing random access memory can actually have a performance impact depending on the problem.

Consider the following loop in which we multiply the total sum of B by columns.

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    sum[i] = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
        sum[i] += B[j][i];

We are going through B's elements by columns. Now what happens if the B matrix is in memory by consecutive rows? We are not taking advantage of spatial locality. Every initial fetch of an element will result in a cache miss. What's worse, if B is too large for our CPU's cache, we won't even get to benefit from temporal locality!

The point

On manually organizing data

Well, if the language has an opinionated choice of how it'll allocate your matrix, how do you solve this?

By manually allocating it! In the case of C, as an example, you can just allocate for the total size of elements a matrix will have.

float * M = malloc( N * N * sizeof(float) );

Now you can use whatever order you want. After all, you now just have a really large memory space to store all the numbers you need, and it's up to you in what order you'll write and read from it. (For example, column ordered: r*N+c ; row ordered: c*N+r)

Matrixes are my go-to example, but you probably get the point: You got a big chunk of memory and you can put whatever you want, however you want in it.
