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Self-hosting with BSXU

Leverage sharex, backblaze b2 and your webserver to hold and serve your own files easily.

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The principle of locality

Random access memory and how to use it is far less trivial than I once thougth.

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Monitoring your projects' uptime is easier than you think

Once you're running a few hobby projects, you'll want to be the first to know when they fall.

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Fix linux failing to find your headset microphone

Audio issues on linux are rare nowadays. But when they show up, they are non-trivial.

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Deploying a tes3mp server on a vps

Using a linux vps to easily host a morrowind multiplayer server.

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Hosting your own sharex screenshots with PSXU

[Legacy] Using a webserver as a personal content host to easily use with tools such as sharex.

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