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rosettes logo

Rosettes is a simple, free and open source discord bot.

It's objectives are:

  • To be simple to set up.
  • To be as straightforwards as possible in all it's functions.
  • To collect as little user and guild data as possible.
  • To collect absolutely no message data, ever.


Rosettes brings many features to your servers, useful to admins and users alike.

You may toggle functionality at a whim with /settings.

  • Role management
    Create AutoRoles for users to automatically assign themselves roles.
  • Image functions
    SauceNAO to find artwork sources.
  • Downloading videos
    Can download videos from Twitter, TikTok, Streamable, and others.
  • Polls
    Easily create polls where people can anonymously vote.
  • Reminders
    Let users set reminder alarms for themselves, even in DM's.
  • Searching
    Quickly get information from Wikipedia, UrbanDictionary, Pokepedia, Anime/Manga sites, etc.
  • Minigames
    - Farming and fishing system, with shop, inventory and the expected stuff.
    - A pet ownership and interaction system.
  • Miscelaneous
    - Display who joins and leaves the server
    - Provide status information for certain games
    - Throwing dice and coins
    - Expression evaluator
    - Even more.
  • What else would you like?
    If Rosettes lacks a feature you want, use /feedback, or contact me directly.
    I am always adding new things, and welcoming new ideas.

For a list of commands, click here.